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Taiwanese popcorn chicken, commonly known as Taiwanese fried chicken (台灣鹽酥雞 – táiwān yán sū jī), is popular street food and addictive snack from Taiwan. It was first made in 1979 in Taiwan city by street stall cooks, who were trying to adapt to the concept of the American style fried chicken but with a local taste. It is commonly known for its light and crispiness and is now served in restaurants all over the world.


台湾爆米花鸡,俗称台湾炸鸡(台湾盐酥鸡 – táiwān yán sū jī),是台湾流行的,会令人上瘾的街头小吃。 它于1979年首次由台湾城市的街头摊贩制作,他们试图适应美式炸鸡的概念,但又融入了当地的口味。 它以其清淡和酥脆而闻名,现在世界各地的餐馆都有提供。


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